Drawn to Comics buying/trading want list:
Below is the list off items that Drawn To Comics is interested in acquiring at the
current time. If you have any of these items in your collection that you would like
to part with please schedule an appointment with Drawn To Comics to bring them
in. If you do not have anything on this list we will likely not buy or trade for the
comics or toys you bring into us. Thank you for your interest and consideration
of Drawn To Comics. Now here is the most current list!
Comic Books in Very Fine (7.0)Condition or better with no mold or water damage.
Any Golden Age Comics (1938-1958) Crime, Horror or Super Hero titles
Amazing Spider-man V.1 (1962) #1-200 (VG or better), 238, 252, 298-300, 361-363
Amazing Spider-man V.2 (1998) 601-02, 607-08
Avengers (1963) #1-60 (VG or better)
Batman #232, 234, 404-407, 423, 608-619, 635
Batman Adventures #1-36
Batman Dark Knight #1-4 (1986 1st Prints)
Batman Killing Joke (1989 1st print)
Batman Long Halloween #1-13 set
Batman Spider-man #1
DC vs Marvel #1-4
DC vs Marvel Amalagm x-overs
Daredevil #1-7, 131-132, 158-190 (Trade/Consign)
Detective Comics: #575-578, 881
Edge Of Spider-verse v.1 (2014) #2 (1st-5th prints and Greg Land variant)
Fantastic Four (V1 1961) #1-100
Ghost Rider (1972) #1-81
Ghost Rider (1990) #1
GI Joe (Marvel 1982-1995) #1-21, 150-155, Special #1 (1995)
Harley Quinn v.1 #1-38
Incredible Hulk #1-6, 102, 180-182, 271, 340 (Trade/Consign)
Invincible #1-10
Iron Fist V.1 #14-15
Iron Man V.1 #1, #54-55, 281, 282
Luke Cage Hero For Hire #1 (1971)
MAXX (Image 1993) #1-35
NYX #3 & 4
Peanuts (Gold Key 1963-1964) #1-3
Punisher Mini-series (1985) #1-5
Punisher ongoing (1987) #1
Saga (Image) #1
Scooby Doo (1971 Gold Key) #1-16
Secret Wars (1984) #1-12
Something is Killing the Children #1
Spawn #1-10 & 150-295 (including variants)
Spider-man (1990 McFarlane Series) #1-16
Star Wars Kanan #1-10
Star Wars Darth Vader (2015) #3 (1st Dr Aphra)
Tales of Suspense #39-101
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1984) #1-4
Tomb of Dracula #10
Transformers (Marvel 1984) #1-80
Venom Lethal Protector (1992) #1-6
Walking Dead #1-20
Watchmen #1-12 set
Werewolf By Night: #32-33
Winnie the Pooh (Whitman 1977-1984) #1-33
X-men (Uncanny) #94-143, 210-213, 221, 266 Annual #14 & Giant Size #1
Wolverine (Mini 1982) #1-4
Wolverine ongoing v.1 #1, 8, 10, 145, 154-155,
Wolverine ongoing v.2 #67-72 (1st Prints) (Old Man Logan)
X-Men v2 (1991) #1-10
Toys sealed in package
Batman The Animated Series Action figures 1990s mint in package only not looking for loose figures
Gem and the Holograms 1980s mint in package or loose mint and complete with all accessories
GI Joe A Real American Hero(ARAH)3.75 Inch Action Figures- Mint On Sealed Card (MOSC) or Loose with or without box but Complete with all accessories & file card 1982-1988
GI Joe ARAH Vehicles Mint in Sealed Box (MISB) or opened and complete 1982-1985
GI Joe 25th Anniversary Collection 2007-2010 Mint in Packages
Gobots 1983-1987 Mint in sealed pacake or loose complete and in mint condition
Hot Wheels 1:64th scale 1968-1990 Mint in Package or Loose in Mint condition
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Mattell 1984-85 Action Figure Mint in Package or loose and complete
Masters of the Universe 1981-1987 Mint on Card or Loose complete in near mint condition
My Little Pony 1980s mint in package or loose and complete with all accessories
Rainbow Brite dolls 1980s vintage mint in package or loose and complete with all accessories
Spawn Figures 1994-2008 mint in factory sealed package, not buying loose figures.
Star Wars vintage (1977-1985) MOSC or Loose Action Figures & Vehicles opened and complete with weapons and accessories
Strawberry Shortcake Dolls vintage 1970-80s lines mint in package or mint loose and complete with all accessories
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1988-1997) MOSC Action Figures
Thundercats 1985-1988 mint in package or loose and complete
Toy Biz Marvel or DC Action Figures Mint in Mint Package
Transformers (1984-1990) Mint in sealed box or opened Mint and complete with all accessories
Voltron (1984-1997) Toys any near mint & complete Voltron or Voltron Force toy lines.
- Buying Gi Joe ARAH 1982-1989
- Buyin all forms of Matchbox or LJN Voltrons
- Buying G1 Transformers 1984-1988
- Buying Marvel Legends Action Figures
- buying Vintage 1970-80s Strawberry Shortcake toys
- Buying Vintage 1980s Thundercats toys
- Buying 1980s Secret Wars Action figures
- Buying Vintage Masters of The Universe Action Figures
- Buying Vintage 1970s-80 Star Wars Kenner Action Figures
If you have any items on the above list please call to schedule an appointment to
view your collection…We can not guarantee to have the time to view or make
any offers on a collection without a previously scheduled appointment.
Please contact Ken with your information at Drawn2Comics@gmail.com to confirm the contact to schedule an appointment to view your collection.
Thank you for your interest and happy collecting!
– Drawn To Comics